PMK-DMK alliance breakage fallout:
As this site is specifically used to discuss the implication of some major incidents in Indian politics let me judge the future of Tamil Nadu politics in the current situation the DMK-PMK alliance breakup was not unexpected though the early parting has caught many by surprise the reasons are many: Free tv sets, TASMAC outlets, aiding foreign investment, no action against retail chains, sand mafia and many more. Dr. Ramadoss came up with a fault in the functioning of the government almost daily. Naturally the DMK government couldn't bear an attack from within the alliance and decided to part ways. Now there are two possibilities. The PMK can go it alone or tie with the AIADMK (less probable after being staunch enemies for over 5 years though nothing is impossible in politics). The most probable scenario is PMK going alone in Lok sabha polls and most likely return empty handed. This situation is likely to haunt Mr. Ramadoss since he now has 6 M.Ps in Lok Sabha. So he would actively hunt for an alliance with AIADMK. It remains to be seen whether AIADMK accepts it. It may or may not. It may since it is without any major alliance partner till now and a popular conception that the PMK always ends in the winning coalition. It may not since it is expected to tie up with BJP and PMK has till now accused BJP of communal politics. So pratically it is impossible BJP ties up with PMK. so in all likeliness PMK should do it alone in Lok sabha polls-2009. Only time will tell how many seats will be won by the PMK.
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